
Human Resource Management For Service Industries


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Human resource management deals with those function that are performed in the organisations that facilitates effective use of manpower to achieve individual and organisational goals. Human resource approach follows some principle which conveys that employees are the assets of any organisation. Human resource management in service industries deals with function of management and is concerned with hiring, motivating and maintaining manpower in an organisation (Collings, Wood and Szamosi, 2018). Allied  Healthcare is non business organisation that aims to treat and diagnose the conditions and illness with multidisciplinary heath team to serve best to their patient. Allied healthcare provide different services which includes home care services, special childcare support and learning disabilities support. This report emphasis one role and purpose of human resource management in Allied Healthcare along with proper human resource planning for appropriate supply and demand.  This report focus on understanding the effect of employee relation and employment law in Allied Healthcare. Moreover, it covers recruitment and selection

process along with training and development programs.

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1.1 Analysis of the Role and Purpose of Human Resource Management:

The management of all the activities related to the treatment and care of the patients depends on the efficiency of Human Resources. This department in Allied Healthcare plays a vital role in providing quality services to the patients. Along with that, the HRM provides planning and forecasting, monitors the budget, recruit skilled employees, handles their employment contracts, monitor their performances, introduce training and development programmes (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Apart from these, some of the key roles of HRM are as follows:

Conscience: It is up to the human resource management to keep the employees satisfied. And thus, Human resource management periodically reminds the upper management their obligations and roles towards their employees and this in turn helps to retain skilled and talented staff in the company.

Teamwork: The managers and human resource departments are responsible to enhance the performance of their employees at every level of the organisation. In Allied Healthcare, they act as an advisor to managers as well as the staff in facilitating teamwork to effectively achieve their organisational goals.

Building Commitment: Human resource management acts as a counsellor for the employees and helps them understand the impact of their hard work to engage them more in the organisational activities and building their commitment towards the company.

Performance Enhancement: By introducing the staff members to effective training and development programmes, the HRM of Allied Healthcare helps to enhance performances of its staff members.

The HRM of Allied Healthcare has a definite purpose which are as follows:

Staffing: The key purpose of HRM is to hire best possible personnels for effectively conducting the activities of the company.

Internal Customer Management: The HRM manages the patients in the organisation and helps to give quality care and effective treatment to these patients.

Cultural Sensitivity: HRM considers the beliefs and cultural values of the patients and aims towards conducting the procedures without violating these cultural aspects.

Laws: HRM considers the employment laws and helps the organisation to consider their roles towards the employees in its full capacity.

Compensation and Performance: HRM works towards enhancing the performance of the employees and sets up compensation and incentive schemes according to their performances.

Employment Relations: HRM helps in maintaining employment relationships in the organisation for smooth running of the activities.                                           

1.2 Human Resource Plan:

Human resource planning refers to the ongoing process of organised planning to utilise human resource optimally. It is very important for managers of Allied Healthcare to develop a flexible human resource plan as the success of the company heavily depends on human resources (Baum, 2016).

Analysis of supply and demand: Allied Healthcare must analyse the demand and supply of human resources. Since being an approved supplier to the National Health Service and many local authorities, it is required from the company to deliver best quality of staff and healthcare professionals required for the job. Currently, there is high demand for professional healthcare providers in UK. But supply is an issue that needs to answer immediately. The main reason being that there is a high dependency towards the foreign medical staff. Moreover, due to the current economical issues, it is hard to provide them their worth. This is the reason why there is a shortage of supply while increase in demand.   

Internal and External Factors influencing HR planning: Many internal and external factors influence HR planning in an organisation (Marchington and et.al., 2016). The internal factors are:

Structure: It is essential to determine the staffing needs of the organisation according to its structure. In Allied Healthcare, it is important to hire skilled employees to retain and enhance the quality of their health and social care services.

Budget: Budget of the company should be a chief consideration while HR planning. The organisation of Allied Healthcare should focus on hiring positions that generate revenue, i.e., patients.

The external factors are as follows:

Political: Managers at Allied Healthcare should consider the current political aspects of the country after Brexit. This would allow them to develop effective strategies to hire and retain staff in the dynamic political scenario (Collings, Wood and Szamosi, 2018).

Economical: Economically, UK is in a bad shape seeing the uncertain value of pound. This can be factor that can influence HR planning of Allied Healthcare.

Human Resource Planning in Changing Environment: Many environmental characteristics are  considered while HR planning. Since the factors such as technological advancements, demographic changes, political uncertainty are dynamic, Allied Healthcare should formulate policies that are flexible enough to face these changes. Currently, the political and economical environment of UK is uncertain. So the policies of the company regarding the HR should address these issues and formulate their policies in favour of the employees such as, they should provide them job security, impressive incentives, and regular pay which would help them to retain their skilful staff members and maintain their quality of work.


2.1 Assess the Current State of Employment Relations in a Selected Service Industry

Employees acts as pillars for any organisation as they serve their best at their roles and responsibilities with potential skills. Employee relations deals with the practices for ensuring that employees are productive for the organisation and satisfied with their jobs (Sadeghi, et, al., 2018).  Employee relation at Allied Healthcare offers employee recognition and policy development for sorting out all types of problems. Employee relations is wider concept that involves maintaining a healthy working environment that satisfies the needs of management and individual employees. Employee relation at Allied Healthcare helps in improving employees morale, conveying exceptions and building organisation culture. In order to build employment relations following measures are adopted by Allied Healthcare that are discussed below:

Unionisation: Unionisation is process of arranging small group of employees of organisation into a labour union that will  act as intermediate between organisation management and employees. In order to build and authorize a union a majority of votes of employees are required. The main purpose of forming unionisation is to protect and safeguard the rights of employees which includes daily wages, working conditions, working hours. Unionisation allows employees to keep their demands and rights in front  of management. In Allied Healthcare, there is unionisation that allows to set standards for skill levels, wages, working conditions and quality of life.

Collective bargaining: Collective bargaining is ongoing process in an organisation that allows to negotiate between employee representative and management to establish the working condition of employment. Collective bargaining deals not only with the wages issues but with hiring practices, job functions, working environment, lay-offs and promotion. Allied Healthcare goes with collective bargaining to solve out issues regarding working conditions with their employees, this allows to build good relationship between employees and management.

Grievance procedures: Grievance procedures helps in solving the disputes, it is used by organisation to resolve employees grievances. Every organisation has formal format and written grievance procedures that helps employees to share their problems with employers. The employer investigate the grievances and make future decision to handle and overcome grievances. At Allied Healthcare, employees are free to express their complain, concern and any other employment issues with their employers through proper format of grievance letter or procedures.

Disciplinary procedures: Disciplinary action can be formal or informal against any employee working in the organisation.  The employer can start formal disciplinary action against any employee or worker if they found problem in their performances. Employees experience many conflict issues at work, it becomes employer responsibility to minimise conflicts among employees. Discipline procedures practices are adopted by Allied Healthcare to overcome the conflicts issues to enhance their services to patients.

2.2 Discuss How Employment Law Affects the Management of Human Resources

Employment laws emphasis and covers various areas of law that is directly related to employees, employers, employment and workers compensation. Employment laws are implemented all over the nation and it is necessary for employers and employees to follow them.

Employment laws covers a wide range of areas that exists in the workplace. Employment laws can assist an employee or an employer in various areas which includes employment discrimination, disability accommodations, family and medical leave act compliance, wage and hours issues, disciplinary and termination issues, maternity and paternity rights (Ross, 2018). Some of the employment laws are mentioned below:

Employment discrimination laws: Employment discrimination laws conveys that an employer cannot discriminate any potential employee on the basis of certain characteristics which includes gender, age, caste, national origin, race and disabilities. In context with Allied healthcare, it is found that there no discrimination against employees on the basis of age, gender, national origin or race. It creates positive impact on the management of human resources as no such discrimination are followed by organisation (Barrow and Lyon, 2018).

Right to fair compensation: This employment laws focus on rights that is concerns with daily wages and salary of employees. Moreover, Equal Pay Act of 1963 states that both men and women should get equal pay or compensation for the same work. It will be consider illegal to pay any one more pay than the other for the same quantity of work. In context with Allied Healthcare, it practices equal pay to both men and women so human resource management has no issues in concern with compensation or wages.

Maternity and Paternity Rights: This rights also some under Civil Rights Act in which both father and mother can claim for leaves to take care of their newborn child. In context with Allied healthcare, they are concern about maternity and paternity rights and they provides leaves due which human resource management has to hired competent employees to replace them for short duration.

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3.1 Discuss a Job Description and Person Specification for a Service Industry Job


Organisation:  Allied Healthcare

Division:          Healthcare services

Job Title:         Nutritionists

Job Location:  Staffordshire, UK

External relationships: Contracted Services

Reports to: Clinical Managers & Directors of Nutritional Services.

Job Summary

Organisation  is looking for capable person who can fulfil the requirement of Nutritionist and perform specialised duties that is related to nutrition counselling of patients for Medical Nutrition Therapy diet eduction. Applicant should be to deal with various health issues which includes weight management, cardiovascular disease, renal disease, malnutrition, weight gain and loss, gastrointestinal disorders, sport nutrition, infants with failure to thrive and healthy diet. The applicant must carry knowledge of supplements and drugs. Applicant should be ready to assess and evaluate outpatients receiving home tube feeding.


· Obtains the patient's height, weight, heart rate, blood pressure and documented it in the Electronic Health Record.

· Must conduct interviews for patients and families that may include obtaining exercise habits, obtaining a diet history, reviewing emotional and social issues.

· Conducting counselling for patients/ families on medical nutrition  

· Develops or research important internet sites or evidence based materials for additional nutrition educational materials



· Currently a Registered Dietitian with the Commission on Dietetics Registration / Academy of

 Nutrition and Dietetics with a Bachelor's Degree or advanced degree from an accredited

institution with a major in Foods and Nutrition.

· Completed a Bachelor's Degree or advanced degree from an accredited institution with a major

 in Foods and Nutrition.

· Current Healthcare Provider Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification (CPR).


3.2 Compare the Selection Process of Different Service Industries Businesses

Selection is a process that depends upon different organization's  needs, strategy and objectives.  Selection process is negative approach for short-listing the candidates based on responsibilities of the job, experiences, characteristics and qualification. Selection is considered as final process and this decision is finally taken by either middle or top level managers. Selection process is concerned with selecting the most appropriate candidate through various tests and interviews. Selection process involves with collection of activities that includes screening, eliminating  unsuitable candidates, medical check, checking references and  interviews. Some of the selection methods used for hiring purpose includes application forms, CVs, conducting face to face interviews, aptitude tests, group discussion, presentations and personality profiling.

Few more samples on Human Resources Management-

Different services industries has different selection process that is totally based on organisation goals and objectives. Comparison of two different service industries are described below:

Selection process at Healthcare service sectors

Selection process at Airlines service sectors

· As healthcare sectors deals with the services of patients that are sick, vulnerable and injured they need to select those candidates that are having  deep knowledge and skills about medicines and  various surgeries.  

· Selection process involves aptitude and knowledge tests. There is no need of personality and situational test.

· Service delivery for the healthcare are heterogeneous as more subspecialist are involved so selection process is more time taking and complex.

· Medical check-up is not considered so important during selection process.


· As airlines sectors deals with the services of travelling from one place to another or one country to another country so they need to select those candidates that are having deep knowledge and skills about handling fights, serving passengers.

·  Selection process involves with personality, situational and knowledge tests.

· Service delivery for the airlines are homogeneous so selection process is less complex in compare to healthcare services.

· Medical check-up is considered compulsory during selection process.



4.1 Contribution of Training and Development in Effective Operation:

Training refers to the activities for performance enhancements of the employees regarding a specific job, while development refers to the overall advancement of an employee in terms of their personality, professionalism or experience (Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017).





Training focuses on the present, i.e., it focuses on enhancing the performance for a specified job

Development focuses on the future advancements of an employee in terms of their professional as well as personal life


Training is job-oriented. It is  limited to perfect the performance in a certain task.

Development is career-oriented. It's an ongoing process throughout a person's professional life.


Need of training: In a leading healthcare sector like Allied Healthcare, it is important for the staff members to undergo training as to enhance their skills and performance in achieving their objectives (Tracey, 2016). The need for training in Allied Healthcare is as follows:

  • There are different patients having different needs at different time. Training would allow the staff to be flexible in attending these needs.
  • Good training would develop expertise amongst the staff members which will increase the company's reputation.
  • Training is essential as it would decrease employ turnover and would improve retention which would reduce costs of staffing and hiring.

Types of Training and Development Activities: In Allied Healthcare, there are different types of training and development activities which are required to retain the staff at every level of the firm. These are:

  • Technology-Based Training: In Allied Healthcare, this type of activities include training of employees with the technological equipments such as MRI machines, CT Scanners, surgical machines, etc.
  • On-The-Job Training:This refers to the ongoing training process while monitoring the job of the employees. Allied Healthcare superiors monitors the working style of the employees and communicate their shortcomings spontaneously (Leberman and McDonald, 2016). This helps the employees to take corrective actions while working in the future.
  • Soft Skills Training: These skills are crucial for employees in Allied Healthcare as the quality of their treatment have a heavy dependency on the soft skills. Employees are trained in these skills via interactive training sessions to increase their abilities.

Benefits of Training and Development: There are many benefits associated with training and development, which are as follows:

  • It helps increase the morale and job satisfaction among employees.
  • It increases efficiency of the employees.
  • Training and Development helps employees to update themselves with the innovative technological tools and equipments.
  • Regular training and development programmes would enhance employee's performance

and would reduce employee turnover.

Why evaluation of training against overall objectives is important:

However, it is essential to evaluate the training methods of an organisation according to the needs of the employees. Sometimes organisation fails in training its employees due to its rigid training methods which does not serve the actual objective of the firm rather, the personal objectives of the leaders. The prime objective of Allied Healthcare is to provide quality health and social care to its patients. Therefore, the training programmes should be based to achieve this objectives. They should also help skilled and talented employees achieve their personal objective to ensure their long term retention which is the ultimate objective of Human Resource Management.


It is thus, concluded by this report, that Human Resource Management is essential for driving any organisation towards success. Productive management of human resources in Allied Healthcare would allow the firm to hire skilled talent and retain its potential employees. Moreover, it is essential for the company to introduce systematic human resource planning as it would help the firm to manage the staff in uncertain environment. Developing internal employment relations is crucial as it would enhance the productivity and facilitate effective communication. The firm should abide by the employment laws and must not violate these laws in any manner. The company also should adopt efficient recruitment and selection methods to hire potential employees. Allied Healthcare should invest its resources in interactive and productive training and development programmes to enhance the performance of its employees. This would enable the employees to develop better commitment for the company and the company would be able to provide quality care to the patients.   

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Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Barrow, C. and Lyon, A., 2018. Modern Employment Law. Routledge.

Baum, T. ed., 2016. Human resource issues in international tourism. Elsevier.

Brewster, C. and Hegewisch, A. eds., 2017. Policy and practice in European human resource management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield survey. Taylor & Francis.

Collings, D.G., Wood, G.T. and Szamosi, L.T., 2018. Human resource management: A critical approach. In Human Resource Management (pp. 1-23). Routledge.

Collings, D.G., Wood, G.T. and Szamosi, L.T., 2018. Human resource management: A critical approach. In Human Resource Management(pp. 1-23). Routledge.

Leberman, S. and McDonald, L., 2016. The transfer of learning: Participants' perspectives of adult education and training. Routledge.

Marchington, M., and et.al., 2016. Human resource management at work. Kogan Page Publishers.

Ross, A., 2018. Workplace law: Abandonment clauses abandoned FWC updates six modern awards. Proctor, The,38(3), p.34.

Sadeghi, A., and et. al., 2018. Survey of Nurses' Job Satisfaction in Educational and Therapeutic Centers of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. Scientific Journal of Hamadan Nursing & Midwifery Faculty. 26(1). pp.40-48.

Tracey, W. R., 2016. The human resources glossary: The complete desk reference for HR executives, managers, and practitioners. CRC Press.

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